Łukasiewicz - ICiMB

Refractory Materials 2025

XXI International Scientific-TechnicalConference

"Refractory materials: manufacture, research methods, application"

21-23 May 2025 in Wisła Jawornik, Poland                                                                                                  



On May 21-23, 2025, the Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Ceramics and Building Materials,
the Polish Ceramic Society and the Association of Refractory Materials Manufacturers will organize the 21st edition of the International Scientific and Technical Conference entitled. “Refractory materials: manufacture, research methods, application”.

In recent years, the refractory materials industry has been facing a number of challenges, including the problem of shrinking mineral resources and difficulties in ensuring their availability. These issues raise questions for the economy and producers of high-temperature ceramics about the future and their ability to cope with current and future problems. New technologies and innovations can help find solutions and guide the way forward. Therefore, the conference will focus on key issues of the refractory industry, combining science and practice. It will provide an excellent opportunity for practitioners and scientists to exchange ideas and experiences, based on the latest scientific developments and industry knowledge.

We look forward to seeing you at the next installment of the event!
You are cordially invited!


  • Current trends in the manufacture of refractory materials
  • Refractory and heat-insulating materials for a variety of high-temperature applications in industrial technologies-glass production, chemical technology, building materials production
  • Energy aspects of high-temperature processing-energy efficiency, measurement and regulation, environmental aspects.
  • The market for key raw materials for the production of refractory materials
  • Energy efficiency
  • Recycling

- 3,000 PLN/person - single room
- 2,700 PLN/person - double room
*The conference fee includes: accommodation, meals, conference materials, participation in lectures, attendance at the gala dinner on the first day and on the second day, parking. Vat excluded

Deadline for conference submissions: April 30, 2025


Register here!


Partnership Proposal

  • ​Diamond Package – 10,000 PLN - exhibition space for a promotional booth, 50% discount on full conference participation for one company representative, sponsor presentation during the conference (15 minutes), advertisement placement in the electronic version of the abstract book, placement of your company logo on the conference website, social media channels, and in presentations displayed during conference breaks, opportunity to display a roll-up banner at the conference venue, inclusion of your promotional materials in the conference delegate bags.
  • Gold Package – 7,000 PLN​ - exhibition space for a promotional booth, sponsor presentation during the conference (15 minutes), placement of your company logo on the conference website, social media channels, and in presentations displayed during conference breaks. opportunity to display a roll-up banner at the conference venue. inclusion of your promotional materials in the conference delegate bags.
  • Silver Package – 5,000 PLN - placement of your company logo on the conference website, social media channels, and in presentations displayed during conference breaks. opportunity to display a roll-up banner at the conference venue. inclusion of your promotional materials in the conference delegate bags.








dr inż. Katarzyna

tel.: 32 270 198 98
kom.: 693 999 986




Dominika Kądziołka
tel. 12 683 79 43



Centrum Materiałów

ul. Toszecka 99
44-100 Gliwice


Wyzwania Łukasiewicza

Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz dostarcza atrakcyjne, kompletne i konkurencyjne rozwiązania technologiczne. Oferuje biznesowi unikalny system „rzucania Wyzwań”, dzięki któremu grupa 4 500 naukowców przyjmuje wyzwanie biznesowe i proponuje przedsiębiorcy opracowanie skutecznego rozwiązania wdrożeniowego. Angażuje przy tym najwyższe w Polsce kompetencje naukowców i unikalną w skali kraju aparaturę naukową. Co najważniejsze – przedsiębiorca nie ponosi kosztów związanych z przygotowaniem koncepcji prac badawczych. Łukasiewicz w dogodny sposób wychodzi naprzeciw oczekiwaniom biznesu. Przedsiębiorca może zdecydować się na kontakt nie tylko przez formularz na stronie lukasiewicz.gov.pl/biznes, ale także w ponad 50 lokalizacjach: Instytutach Łukasiewicza i ich oddziałach w całej Polsce. Wszędzie otrzyma ten sam, wysokiej jakości, produkt lub usługę. Potencjał Łukasiewicza skupia się wokół takich obszarów badawczych jak: Zdrowie, Inteligentna i Czysta mobilność, Transformacja cyfrowa oraz Zielona, niskoemisyjna gospodarka.
