Beton, kit, zaprawa szamotowa:
Temperatura stosowania do 1500ºC:
Ceramika techniczna:
Temperatura stosowania do 1600ºC.
Betony, zaprawy i masy (do ubijana, do torkretowania):
Produkowane gatunki (temp. stosowania do 1700ºC):
Ceramiczne wkładki do palników na pellet:
Produkujemy wkładki na indywidualne zamówienie klienta z betonów
zaprojektowanych pod kątem kontaktu z tym rodzajem paliwa.
Sprzedaż Krystyna Jastrowicz tel.: 32 270 19 05
Doradztwo techniczne Izabela Majchrowicz tel.: 32 270 18 62 kom.: 603 770 311 |
Centrum Materiałów ul. Toszecka 99 |
You are an Entrepreneur, you are facing a technological problem whose solution is beyond the capacity of your team or you simply do not have the time. Take advantage of the unique solution of the Łukasiewicz Research Network. It costs nothing! The Łukasiewicz Research Network offers business a unique 'challenge' system, whereby a group of 4,500 scientists accepts a business challenge in no more than 15 working days and proposes to the entrepreneur to develop an effective implementation solution. In doing so, it engages the highest competence of scientists in Poland and a scientific apparatus that is unique in the country. Most importantly, the entrepreneur does not incur any costs related to the development of the research idea. Łukasiewicz conveniently meets the expectations of business. An entrepreneur can choose to contact not only through a form on the website, but also in more than 50 locations - Łukasiewicz Institutes and their branches throughout Poland. Everywhere, they will receive the same - high quality - product or service.